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The March weather in Denver is the wettest of the year. It's perfectly normal to get snow during the month and we have had 9 and 4 inches of snow in the last 10 days. It's nice to be painting fall and spring in the studio and see a stark winter landscape with the bright blue skies outside. Soon the studio windows will be open...ahhhh!I just finished the last of three sold out, Making it Fine Art Workshops in Boulder, CO. We hit some very high notes, learned some important new strategies for making fine art, created larger works and made learning fun! My gracious thank you to all to that attended.
Please note below: 2016 Making it Fine Art Workshops in the Denver Metro / June and two Workshops in Massachusetts in September.
Lecture / Pastel Demonstration:
Sponsored by the Pastel Society of Colorado,
Grand Junction, CO
May 21, 1pm
Location: Bray Education Center, 637 Belford Ave, Grand Junction, CO 81505 .map
Success Summit sponsored by ADC Art Consultants
June 3-4 Cincinnati, OH
I am honored to be speaking at this two-day conference as part of marketing, coaching and education sessions for artists. complete information and registration
Upcoming exhibit:

Here's a studio shot of preparations for my one-person show at the Mirada Galley, Friday, May 6, 6-9pm. The exhibition will be in Mirada's captivating, log cabin gallery space in the foothills a few minutes west of Denver. Mirada Fine Art, 5490 Parmalee Gulch Rd, Indian Hills CO 80454 map (303) 697-9006. Here's a preview of what's in the works.
New Works:

Through the Purple Woods
Oil on canvas, 24 x 24 inches
Steamboat Center for Visual Arts
Steamboat Springs, CO
$2150 unframed
Currently Exhibiting:
Just announced: Through December 2016, you can see some of my works at the Cherry Creek Art Gallery, Denver CO.

Soft Skies II
Oil on canvas, 24 x 48
$5100 framed
Cherry Creek Art Gallery, Denver CO

Orange and Red Woods
Oil on canvas, 36 x 48
$6800 framed
Total Arts Gallery, Taos, NM

At the Denver International Airport
Should you find yourself at the Denver Airport, take the time to view my work and those of my gifted Expand artists / collogues reproduced in the Main Terminal. You will see the images between the baggage claim areas and behind the car rental counters. This “Here to There” themed display was curated by the DIA Art and Culture Program. The airport desired more color in the main terminal spaces and happily, we were allowed to use it as our playground. Many thanks to my fellow artists and everyone that made this possible!
Our EXPAND artist group is comprised of five artists from the Denver metro area: Victoria Eubanks, Janice McDonald, Carol Ann Waugh, Mary Williams and myself.
"Making it Fine Art" Workshops in Denver and Massachusetts, 2016

From the March 2016 workshop in Boulder
Take your work to new heights. These workshops will focus on strategies for making better paintings, going to new places in your work and making fine art. Open to all skill levels. Please inquire
Just announced:
Castle Rock, CO (Denver metro)
Making it Fine Art Workshop
Sat and Sun, June 9-10 9:30 - 5pm
Flyer and complete info
Open to artists at all skill levels and media
An indoor, two-day workshop limited to 6 participants.
$390 per person payable to Ken Elliott. Register online
Making it Fine Art 3-day Workshops in Marshfield, MA
Sept 9-11 and Falmouth, MA Sept 16-18
These groups are now taking registrations. It is an amazing time of the year to be on the East coast and I hope to see you there!
complete info and registration
After each art Workshop there will be a free lecture / book signing of Ken's new book, Manifesting 123 and you don't need #3. The lecture is open to the public.
Great things happen in these Fine Art Classes with information that will last for a lifetime.

The March 2016 Workshop in Boulder, CO

From the March 2016 workshop in Boulder
Take your work to new heights. These workshops will focus on strategies for making better paintings, going to new places in your work and making fine art. Open to all skill levels. Please inquire
Just announced:
Castle Rock, CO (Denver metro)
Making it Fine Art Workshop
Sat and Sun, June 9-10 9:30 - 5pm
Flyer and complete info
Open to artists at all skill levels and media
An indoor, two-day workshop limited to 6 participants.
$390 per person payable to Ken Elliott. Register online
Making it Fine Art 3-day Workshops in Marshfield, MA
Sept 9-11 and Falmouth, MA Sept 16-18
These groups are now taking registrations. It is an amazing time of the year to be on the East coast and I hope to see you there!
complete info and registration
After each art Workshop there will be a free lecture / book signing of Ken's new book, Manifesting 123 and you don't need #3. The lecture is open to the public.
Great things happen in these Fine Art Classes with information that will last for a lifetime.

The March 2016 Workshop in Boulder, CO

A Survey of Paintings and Prints at the PACE Center
with works in oils, pastels and monotypes. This exhibition catalog can be purchased online here.
30 color pages and text by the artist. $10 plus $4 postage.
Ken Elliott American Landscapes coffee table book:

This large coffee table book reprises 25 years of my works in oil, pastel, monotype, etching and collage.Large, coffee table hardback version, 11 x 13 inches, 94 color pages with essays. Book and a signed giclee print of the cover image: $150 or just order the book for $115.
Also available as an i-book / download on Apple devices for $9.99. You can preview the complete book and how to order your electronic or hardback versions from my website.
My Blog, For the Color
Want to follow along in my studio?
Come across some interesting art bits and intriguing posts from elsewhere? Check out my artist's blog: For the Color and on the right of the blog under Followers, click Join this Site. Right now you can view vintage videos of Renoir, Degas, a Piet Mondrian video montage, comments about my works and observations about museum artworks from some recent trips.
View my newest artworks:
This monthly newsletter is the best way to stay up to date with my new works and events. You can also follow me on Facebook and go more in depth with my blog, For the Color. To view the total of my works in all media and in all my galleries, go to
Thank you,